Keeping your landscape trees healthy and beautiful in the urban environment can be a challenge, especially considering most of these trees are planted in sub par soil conditions that do not provide the required nutrients for proper tree health.
In a forest environment, trees drop leaves and organic matter that composts and enriches the soil every year. Compare that with your yard where you rake up all these leaves and dispose of them so there is little to no new nutrients going into the soil.
This is where a fertilization regimen will greatly improve the health of your landscape trees by replacing these stripped away nutrients. The results are not just aesthetic. A healthy vigorous tree will fight off insect attacks and diseases, providing a safer long-term environment.
When to Fertilize Trees & Shrubs
Generally fertilization takes place in spring and fall either before bud break or after leaves are fully developed. Always avoid the heat stress times of July and August.
How to Fertilize Trees & Shrubs
At Barts Tree Service we have several options to fertilize your trees and shrubs; the best option will depend on your tree species and size, environmental conditions and time of year.
Trunk Injections

Injecting MinJet directly into the root flare.
Trunk injections give an almost immediate result as we inject MinJet Iron directly into the tree trunk using the industry leading Arborjet system.
This system allows the tree to take up minerals via the xylem tissue. It has extremely quick results where chlorotic trees turn dark green in just a couple days. Additionally, all chemicals are inside the tree so it’s a very safe application process with no spray or chemicals that could affect your pets or family.
Basal Drench
First, we dig a shallow trench around the base of the tree (the basal root flare). Then we mix fertilizers, organics, and/or growth regulators with water and pour it in the trench where the tree can absorb the nutrients directly into the tree’s vascular system.
This process minimizes residual from spraying and helps focus the nutrients to the roots for uptake.
Deep Root Injection
Deep root injection is when we pump fertilizer into the ground via a 1-inch diameter probe. We typically inject in a pattern around the tree from 2 feet out from trunk to the drip line so as to get the fertilizer into the critical root zone for optimum uptake.
This process helps to amend the soil and is a great annual treatment with high efficacy.
Vertical Mulching
Vertical Mulching is where we drill 2-inch diameter holes into the soil using a pattern around the perimeter of the tree that will best feed the critical root zone. Then we fill the holes with a mixture of sand, compost and fertilizer.
This process is great for long-term soil enrichment and greatly helps compacted soil situations.
Find the Best Fertilization Options for Your Trees
Give Barts Tree Service a call at 203-240-1302. Our certified arborists will assess your situation and make recommendations for your specific trees and shrubs.