Save Your Ash Trees Before It’s Too Late
By the time you see obvious signs of infestation in your ash tree, Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been there for years and it’s usually too late to save the tree. That’s why preventive treatment is so important.
EAB was confirmed in the Danbury area in 2017, putting all local ash trees at risk from this devastating pest. It’s no longer a matter of if ash trees in our area will be infected, but when it will happen.
Don’t Take Chances With Your Ash Trees
Call us for your free ash tree inspection and EAB treatment plan.
Call 203-240-1302 Today
The brief video below explains how ash trees can be saved from EAB and what happens when they aren’t treated with a preventive insecticide.
What To Do If You Have Ash Trees
The best thing you can do right away is to assess how EAB has or will impact your property.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I have ash trees on my property?
- Are they in good health?
- Do I want to save them?
If you answered “yes” to all three questions then it’s time to get a thorough EAB inspection.
Our licensed Arborists can determine whether or not EAB is present in your ash trees (they’ll climb into your tree because it’s not easy to see Emerald Ash Borers from the ground).
If there are no signs of EAB or only a light infestation (up to 30-40% of the tree), then your ash trees are a candidate for EAB prevention and treatment.
How To Protect Your Trees From Emerald Ash Borer

Arborjet TreeAge insecticide is injected directly into the tree – no spraying!
We’ve been treating ash trees for Emerald Ash Borer for years, using highly effective Arborjet tree injections with the industry-leading TreeAge insecticide. This product has a 90% efficacy in killing feeding insects and larva and is still effective even if a tree is up to 30%-40% infested with EAB.
TreeAge insecticide has a 2-year residual time frame so Emerald Ash Borer injections are only needed every two years.
And because it’s injected directly into the tree, there’s no spraying involved so you don’t have to worry about air-borne insecticide affecting your family, pets, or neighbors.
So if you have ash trees, give us a call to have one of the Barts Tree Service Licensed Arborists assess your ash trees for EAB. And if you’re not sure what kinds of trees you have, we’ll happily take a look and identify them for you.